The sound system in this multipurpose facility is designed to offer the end user a scalable audio solution for a variety of functions. The system is based on a centralized Dante-enabled DSP and a number of portable systems each of which includes active loudspeakers and a cart-mounted RU-MLB4 Mic/Line Bi-Directional Dante Network Interface as shown above. Each RU-MLB4 is assigned a unique STATIC IP address which is recognized by the DSP from any location in the building. The RU-MLB4 provides up to four mic or line audio inputs. Depending on the size and nature of the event additional carts can be deployed to provide additional inputs and/or outputs. Notes: 1] If passive loudspeakers are used and/or if local volume adjustment is needed, an RDL VCA and audio power amplifier may be added to the cart; 2] An RDL RU-MLB4P may be substituted for the RU-MLB4 if POE power is available through all the network jacks
Power Inserter / Signal Breakout Module Permits Home Run Cabling
In this Format-A installation, it was not practical to loop CATx cable between the senders in different rooms. A home run from each microphone sender was pulled to the equipment rack. The TX-TP4PW Power Inserter / Signal Breakout module is used to connect Pairs A, B and C to a single cable run and to insert power. The sources sent on pairs A, B and C are all present on the cable that connects the TX-TP4PW to the RJ45 input of the TX-TPR3A Line-Level Format-A Receiver. All the Format-A modules are powered by the external supply connected to the TX-TP4PW.
In this facility, all meeting room audio inputs and outputs are networked with a centralized processor to avoid the cost and logistical issues of installing processors in each room. A single run of CATx cable looped between the three wall-mounted Format-A input modules and the RU-FN Format-A to Dante Interface module is the only installed cabling required for audio inputs in this meeting room. The line-level output of a wireless microphone receiver is fed to the Aux Input of the network interface. The Format-A input modules are powered from the RU-FN.
Automatic Attenuation Avoids Feedback Between Pick-Up Mic and Monitor Speaker
This sound system is designed to provide clear communication between two presenters and an assembled group. The two presenter positions are each equipped with a table-top microphone and loudspeaker. The loudspeakers allow the presenters to clearly hear questions from the audience as well as each other. The audience microphone and the two presenter microphones are mixed in the rack: a line-level signal feeds the amplifiers for the house and the table-top loudspeakers. Each RDL ST-GSP1 Gated Speech Preamplifier provides an automatically switched line-level output from a microphone. When an ST-GSP1 preamplifier is gated ON, the SLAVE (open-collector) output mutes its associated ST-MA2 Monitor Amplifier (and RU-SP1 Monitor Speaker) and attenuates the adjacent monitor speaker, thereby preventing