The ST-LEQ1 may be operated together with any equipment which provides a 0 to 10 Vdc control. It is specifically designed to operate with other RDL equipment using 0 to 10 Vdc for level control. Because the ST-LEQ1 works with any RDL VCA module, all RDL remote level controls are suited for use with ST-LEQ1 Loudness Equalization.
The line-level audio source is first fed through the RDL VCA product, then through the ST-LEQ1. The audio output from the ST-LEQ1 feeds the system amplifier or other equipment. The CONTROL terminals to the ST-LEQ1 are wired in parallel with the 0 to 10 Vdc terminals on the RDL VCA. The remote volume control associated with the VCA/ST-LEQ1 combination is adjusted to the normal low listening level, then the installer sets the desired loudness equalization on the multi-turn trimming potentiometer on the ST-LEQ1. As the listening level is increased by the remote control, the loudness equalization is progressively decreased until the audio is flat at normal higher levels.