Compact Near Field Monitor Speaker for Conference Facilities, Courtrooms and Legislative Chambers

The D SERIES-SP1A Decora-Style Loudspeaker is ideal for use as a near field monitor in courtrooms, legislative chambers and conference facilities. Designed for mounting in a single gang of a North American electrical switchbox or RDL Desktop Chassis, this compact package offers surprising frequency range, clarity and durability.
(D-HPA3 3.5 Watt Audio Power and Headphone Amplifier)
A companion amplifier for the –SP1A is the D SERIES-HPA3 3.5 Watt Audio Power and Headphone Amplifier. The amplifier and loudspeaker can be easily mounted together in a two gang box. The –HPA3 offers a user accessible front-panel level control and a headphone jack. The amplifier can be set to automatically mute the loudspeaker when headphones are used for critical listening.